Monday, 9 July 2012

Thought for food

Sustainability is about using things at or below the rate they can regenerate. And it is the absolute primary fundamental to economic longevity.

UK sustainability just for food. (Figures used are first finds in google) please do own research and post me.

1.235 acres / person.
43 million acres of farm land currently in UK.
= Sustainable population of 35 million.

Our population is nearly double that.

Many developed countries in same boat.

Food export nations are generally have a much lower local cost of living, salaries and populations. But they are developing and this will change quickly. Our #overlyfreemarket as it is forces innovators to fully exploit labour and tax advantages abroad or fail as a business. 

Lets call a generation these days 30 years (not that many 30 year old can afford a family home.) How many more generations of your family will be able to rely on shipping food from poorer countries?

2 . . 3?

When does man turn violent on his fellow man? When he is  trapped, desperate and protecting his family.

Will your family be safe. Will they choose to try to leave the UK on mass. Will you wish for your children to leave you hear while they seek a better life for their children? Unable to assist you in their old age.

Perhaps some horrific cataclysmic event will wipe many of them or scare them into enforcing one child per family?

This is not doom doom. This is cold logic and what I see as 'probabilities'. I do not believe that if we resolved continue as is our 2063 population will be less than 90 million, I believe that our children's rat race will be faster still, the pleasure of raising a family missed out, even more than what we experience now. Their happiness and indeed sanity must reduce in proportion to it. 

We may find that wind turbines and hydrogen energy storage provide all our energy needs, inter home conferencing eliminates the need to fly abroad to get a good dose of family and scientifically grown nourishment resolves our food problems.  If those technologies are realized then what is 'sustainable' will have altered. In which case we could have a higher population and prosperity for most. They would still need to sort out the wealth and land hording cartels in politics today.

But those technologies are not yet realized  I see them as probable also. But to continue as if they were there before they exist is gambling with a later generation on the brink. And for what reason? The rat race is damaging us. In the race for GDP the business men who run our economy have forgotten that the nation should not be run as a business hoping to grow exponentially. There is no long lasting site expansion without invading others.

Can we please plan for this like a mature civilization. Not children playing a game of monopoly. Let our grand-kids live in a fairer and more humane way than we do?

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