Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Democracy. The only thing wrong with ours is its foundation.

The foundation of democracy surely is an informed public.

To inform a public they need simple clear comparable facts available at the time of engagement.

The voting system should not be open to abuse (like changing a box full of ticked papers)

The solution is simple.

As your politician to support a new bill for elections.

1. The electorate have the right to a clear comparable list of the policies each candidate must support and the order in which they will drive the forwards. (Voters deserve and informed choice)

2. The right to have this REAL INFORMATION provided in a clear comparable manner with the polling cards, on a government website and outside polling booths. (Working representative should have the key reliable information published for free).

3. The right to a unique code and a constituency wide how codes voted download. (no vote rigging)

It is completely insane that this is not how our democracy is done. And you try getting a politicians to discuss it..even a Green one.

Nothing can change unless we demand it.

Luckily you can. If your candidate says that they support the right to recall MPs who break their promises then call them out on it.

They can just opt in.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015