Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Nick Boles MP receives 'Ministerial Code Toilet Paper Award.

Nick Boles MP is trying to change the law so that farm buildings such as barns, sheds etc can be turned into residential without planning permission. I guess then other barns will get built, and then converted and more built, and then converted etc.

Since the land aspect of a home is typically half the cost, this potential for profit in owning farm land will swell an already fanatical industry of developers and family trusts buying farms with no intention of ever farming, but to profit from a planning application more than the construction margin ever could.

Nick Boles MP family have a 300 acre sheep farm in Devon

Getting planning permission is not 'free market' competition. It is about knowing what might get through and buying that, then getting the right people on board to get permission. Well it looks like Boles did it the other way and became the person on board. I wonder how many of his political supporters are also barn owners looking to make an easy £100k on each.

An MP is supposed to stay clear of issues in which they have a vested interest.
That is way Nick Boles is receiving today's #MinisterialCodeToiletPaper award.

Like many MPs Nick Boles should be in court for breach or trust.

But will probably end up printing millions for his loved ones and provide nothing towards the infrastructure the new homeowners will use.

Want to make sure you never vote for the likes of Nick again? Help the Good eggs stand out from the bad ones. 28th August visit Put it in your diary now.