Eastern European migrants are generally harder workers. Get over it.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/ politics/2013/jun/05/speaker- john-bercow-eastern-europeans- nigel-farage
The truth is people with nothing moving away from their families to a strange new environment where they have no safety net are going to have to put the hours in to survive.
The truth is people with nothing moving away from their families to a strange new environment where they have no safety net are going to have to put the hours in to survive.
They will have gone through a considerable effort to relocate here and, like any new venture, will be willing to put in over time to get it all started.
They also have the option of working hard while living in impoverished conditions for a few years and buying land back home. Driving up property prices for those who never left.
So. Yes migrants are hard workers and increase the national GDP.
But national GDP is just a big number that on it's own has no bearing on the quality of life for the average person.
Quality of life for the average person is our ultimate goal is it not?
What is the effect on the indigenous population
who really can not command a living wage as a result of competition with
the desperate people willing to work overly long hours for below a
living wage?
What for the quality of life for the migrant while they are here finding their feet, of for their parents and grandparents back home loosing their natural 'Big Society' which family is.
Increasing the Holidays travel exodus that earth does not have another 100 years of energy to support.
They never stopped fighting after that and slept alone.
This is where we are headed in our hunt for GDP. When QoL is all that maters.
We are never going to get QoL while lobbyists from energy, banking and war companies have the influence in politics that they do.
28th of August visit www.GoodEgg.org.uk and be part of the solution. Put it in your calendar now.
No one should request that you to vote wearing a blindfold. If they do, give them a piece of your mind, not your vote.