Either #marketing just a load of old crap, or do we not actually have a #democracy?
I'll explain why.
I’m not a bright spark when it comes to writing. I keep to basics and ground level issues. Does that make my thought worthless? Well I think that until the basics are in place the rest is just the polish on the turd.
Right now the Prime Minister of England is suggesting that the maximum party donation should be limited to £50,000. I’m not sure if this is per director of a company, per week. Labour are happy with £10 each. But not opt in for union members.
What is the money for?
We are told these donors have no additional influence on policy. I have every confidence that our representatives dining with donors whittle the hours away with a game of Trivial Pursuit and a slightly heated debate as to whether The Voice has killed The X-Factor.
Regardless of whether any quality time large donors may have with MP’s is as good as corruption. What is the money supposed to be for?
Promoting the brand? Building awareness, maintaining membership... Do we call this Marketing?
Surely disproportionate funds result in the party having a disproportionate marketing. Is marketing just a load of old crap?
Assuming that those of us who do work in marketing are not simply wasting working effort that should be better spent recycling, fixing things and other job sharing so we can all working less hours for the same national productivity, it stands to reason that party funding should, at the least, be proportional to the number of supporting members.
What level to set?
Simple. Affordability. If you travel in a group you travel at the speed of the slowest member.
What is affordable?
This is where I hope there to be a debate because I believe we need something that all voters of all parties can agree is significantly fairer than what is being proposed ready for the next general election. Something we choose will become part of the constitution.
I suggest these.
Any party donations will be limited to the equivalent of an 8 hour working day at the adult minimum wage. Only registered voters may donate. This will be opt in direct from the donor's bank account to an account owned by the party that will be open to independent monitoring.
Or just one hour of minimum wage?
Or, perhaps a set figure per vote cast in favor of? One hour minimum wage for each person who votes for you. This way parties will start as purely voluntary but can win votes because they grow a following based on the quality of their product, not their marketing budget. This would be a big step in truly proportional funding.
it would be a criminal offense to donate or receive outside these boundaries.
One step at a time.
We need a policy ready before the next general election so please push the discussion.
Why? We can’t do anything!
There are so many petitions, so many issues demanding political discussion. It's all so fragmented and that nothing changes.
Well if the text is good. It has been scrutinised and discussed enough that there is some kind of consensus the we can get the important bit to work.
There need only be a simple promise from us. That to get our vote they must commit to immediately bring the proposal forward and vote in its favour. Or stand down for a bi-election.
We can prepare a draft document and make is easy for voters to send it to candidates nearer the time. A website listing the candidates who agree and those who do not and if they have given a reason. Lets be ready this time.